Recently, our Online Think Tank did a little brain-storming on a new innovative product, which had just hit the market. The device was a special cooling unit that one could wear over their heads like a hat, combination face guard. It looked like something you might see in a wrestling match only it was attached to a central cooling unit.
The inventors of this special system had been marketing it as a medical device, obviously that is one excellent use for such a thing, still they were wondering what other markets might be available. Thus, we started brain-storming on potential killer applications. One Think Tank member turned in this list after 14-minutes. It seems as he went on the potential applications became better and better. Indeed, a couple of them were chosen by the group to actually go with, to launch a into a new sub-market. Below is the list, see what you think?
- “Brain Cooling Head Cap” during neuron stimulation in neuroscience while using eeg or fMRI machines – Humans or Chimpanzees.
- Super Computer Cooling System on a ship, building or MRI scanning trailer.
- Pre-phase cryogenic entry period, cooling down body.
- Frost Bite training for “rescue teams” or “survival military training” in Alaska.
- Prevention of Blood Boiling during “electronic attack” military application.
- Olympic Training Center tool for muscle pulls
- NASCAR helmet insert system – needs modification, but could work.
- Underwater Deep Sea Diving Recovery tool.
- Airport Fire Fighting rescue suit cooling system back pack mounted.
- Space Colony or Space Exploration safety device.
- Ship Boiler Room crew cooling unit.
- Truck Driver cooling unit to save energy on air-conditioning.
- Army Tank Cooling unit for operators.
- Cooling of electronic equipment in UGVs.
- Torture Psyche technique tool to cause despair and depression to break the will of enemy combatants.
- Help calm drug over dose users on methamphetamine.
- Club Med system for elite vacationers – cruise ships, 5-7 star resorts (Dubai).
- Calm down Middle Eastern politicians before the political process.
- Burn Victim device for civilian, firefighters and military.
- Slow the process of infections, viruses and run-away bacteria in parts of the body.
- Race Horse – cooling system.
- Plastic Box cover case for test-tube racks in experimental research.
- Ammunition cashe – cooling system.
- Private Jet electronics cockpit dash board cooling system for the ramp (dashboard cover).
- Wrap system for a fuel cell ceramic hydrogen conversion system.
- Post Boxing Match device to protect Rocky’s face for interviews on TV.
- Cooling system for high-tech living room xBox of the future featuring VR systems.
- Wrap system for saving donor organs for transport.
- VIP Box cooling system for Fans – built in or can be ordered for a fee on super hot days.
- Keeping liquid rocket fuel tanks on small missiles cool for transport in the sand box.
- Protecting biological weapons before dispersion.
- Slowing decay process for forensic investigations for transportation or temporarily on site.
- Blood Supply temporary storage system for Blood Donation Station mobile units
- Computer desk work station component to cool electronics.
- Charging station cooling system for multiple battery system sleeves.
- Fooling sensors from enemy infrared (big application).
- Use on Pipelines to control fluid dynamics to slow or speed up the fluid as needed.
- Use on pipes during drilling process externally on the sleeves or within dual walled pipes.
- Cause Bernoulli Effect within exhaust jets (as a liner or mounted on the exterior of restriction piping) to control flow for directional thrusting.
- Separation and Precipatation process in chemical manufacturing, to wrap around vats at specific fluid levels, operates in sync with sonar fluid level sensors.
- Astronaut Space Suit Cooling System.
- Bus Driver Cap cooling system.
- Slowing and Stopping Bleeding, coagulating artificial blood in emergencies.
- Special Alloy composite manufacturing bonding processes in descreet engineering and manufacturing.
- Testing completed products for weather conditions during salt-spray tests or simulating aircraft at altitude for wind tunnels.
- Pancaked flange system with airflow tips to cause condensation and separate water from air, by controlling cooling.
- Pre-artificial hip surgery to slow system, numb region and prevent excessive loss of blood.
- Pre-seat cooling for sporting events.
- Cooling for steering wheels, seat belts, door handles, parking break on luxury cars.
- Propulsion steering device for UAV dirigibles
- Bed cooling to prevent running air-conditioner in hot summers, like a heating blanket – opposite.
- Protecting against spontaneous combustion of inert gases passing through pipes.
- Protecting a warfighter from biological weapons they breath, slows the process until discharging.
- Protecting warfighters and SWAT Teams with too much gear on them in 130 ambient ground temps.
- Golf Cart seat cooling system.
It is truly amazing how the human mind works or how well some people can see something and instantly come up with applications in such a short amount of time. Just think if all of our minds could do this – that is what we are thinking right now.