The Troy Reed Magnetic Motor is one of many examples of magnetic motor technology. Troy Reed was one of many enthusiasts who tinkered away to develop his own motor based on zero point technology – this allows for the production of power from magnetism and has shattered the world of conventional physics. In this article, I’ll tell you more about the motor and Reed’s other inventions and how you can use this technology yourself so that you don’t ever have to pay for an electricity bill again.
1994 – Try Reed Announces His Magnetic Motor To The World
Reed demonstrated his motor to the world in 1994. He claimed that it could generate 7 kilowatts of power output which is more than enough for the average household’s needs (3 kilowatts).
In his demonstration video, he shows clearly that no wires are attached to the motor while the demonstration bulb remains lit. This would prove that the bulb was not lit via some other power source but was indeed being powered indefinitely by only the motor itself.
The Surge Car
When Reed announced his magnetic motor to the world, he explained that the 7-kilowatt output was sufficient to also power a regular automobile. He teamed up with Hollywood actor and environmentalist, Dennis Weaver, with a plan to showcase this to the world.
The Surge Car was capable of speeds of up to 85 miles per hour. Various videos of it can be found on the internet, with the motor fitting neatly into the engine compartment. Unfortunately, the project never gained any real traction.
How Does Reed’s Magnetic Motor Work?
Nobody knows 100% precisely the design of Reed’s motor. However, it is no secret that it is based on magnetic motor/zero point technology. Reed is not the first person to have produced working models of this technology and he was also not that last.
Zero point physics says that the forces due to magnetism can be converted into energy. This is unlike conventional ideas on power generation which usually require depletion of fuels.
Most magnetic motors require a kick-start of energy to get them going. After this, the system is in a state of equilibrium – the frictional forces from the bearings and air resistance that normally slow a motor down are instead balanced out by the repelling force of the magnets.
How To Make Your Own Troy Reed Magnetic Motor
Unfortunately, commercial devices are at least five years away. But the good news is that you can make your own device at home.
Reed’s motor, like many others, is unnecessarily over-complicated. Instead of trying to copy his design, you will be much better off with a simpler version that will run reliably and with little maintenance.
If you want to make your own 7-kilowatt idea then a better idea is to investing a small amount (around $50) on a good set of working, proven and reliable plans. These will allow you to get up and running in a few days compared to the more usual months and years that pioneers such as Reed and others have spent in trying to come up with a working solution.