Let’s Bust 4 Myths About Air Pollution

Let’s Bust 4 Myths About Air Pollution

Although many scientific studies have been conducted, people don’t be serious when it comes to air pollution. The million-dollar question is why people have not been paying attention to pollution. One of the primary reasons is the lack of political awareness. Apart from this, some misconceptions also create hurdles in this way. In this article, we are going to bust 4 myths about air pollution. Read on to find out more.

1. Surgical Masks are Enough

These days, a lot of people wear surgical masks in order to protect themselves from the covid-19. But the catch is that these masks do not offer complete protection. Technically speaking, the pore size of a surgical mask is between 5 and 10 micrometers.

On the other hand, the size of pollutants is around 2.5 micrometers. Besides, these masks don’t cover your nose and mouth properly. Therefore, pollutants can get into your nose and mouth through the gaps. However, that does not mean you should stop wearing a surgical mask. They are still better than not wearing anything.

Ideally, experts suggest that you go for an N95 mask. Although wearing the mask is not a solution, it is one of the best preventive measures that you can follow.

2. Electric Vehicles don’t cause Air Pollution

This is another common myth about pollution. Today, the charging stations get their power from thermal power plants installed outside the city. These power plants burn fossil fuels to generate electricity. Therefore, if you think electric vehicles do not cause air pollution, you need to think again.

Apart from this, since EV car batteries are heavier, they make your vehicle tires wear and tear faster. As a result, this wear and tear may produce a lot of particulate matter that can pollute the environment. However, these emissions can be minimized with the help of regenerative braking.

3. Staying Indoors can Protect you against Air Pollution

If you think you are safe when indoors, you are mistaken. According to the US environmental protection agency, the pollution level in your house is higher than the pollution level outside. In your house, there are several sources of air pollution, such as building material, mold dost, deodorant usage, and cooking, just to name a few.

In some areas, indoor air quality may be slightly better than outdoor air quality. However, that does not mean that you should do nothing about improving the air quality inside your home. We know that carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds can be harmful to your health.

4. Short-Term Exposure to Air Pollution is not bad

Due to long-term exposure to pollution, you may experience a lot of health issues. However, there does not mean that short-term exposure to air pollution is not harmful to your health. Even if you breathe polluted air for a few days, you will have a 10% chance of suffering from asthma.

In some cases, a few seconds of consistent exposure to radiation may cause you to die prematurely. Therefore, you may want to change your mind set when it comes to exposure to air pollution.

In short, you should stop believing in these methods and change your mindset towards air pollution.